Postal Stamp Image : CHILDREN LEARNING TO READ 0950 Indian Post
Stamp Issue Date : 10/11/1979
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.30
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0950
Stamp Information : Long long ago when books, as we know them today, were not there the grandparents, mostly the grandmothers, used to tell stories to the children. In every ethenic comunity, the elders performed and still perform the task of narating the folklore and ethenic mythology to the children. Gradually, oral communication gave way to eriting, beginning with barks and leaves leading on to stone and metal tablets and then culminating in discover of paper and invention of printing. When books came tobe written, the children's books imitated the tales told at twilight by grandma. The stories and fables narrated by the elders of the tribe and later on by the grandparents in the family had the dual purpose of entertainment and education. The children's literature of today has come a long way from the early days of printing. A vast variety of attractively produced books on every subject, written espesially for the children, are available now. The paramount mportance of the role of healthy literature in the flowering of a chilld's personality has come to be accepted by every country. In India, the classic tales from 'Panchatantra' and 'Hitopadesa', 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharata' and other epics have held generations of children in thrall. However, te children's books are a later development. Bengal had the distinction of bringing out the first ever children's book more than a century ago when a collection of stories narrated by the well-known scholar, Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, to the neighbourhood children was published in book form. There was a paucity of sustained and creative effort to produce indigenous reading material for children which serves the twinpurpose of education and entertaiment. Fidteen years ago, the well-known artist, cartoonist and scholar, "Shankar" established the Children's Book Trust with the aim of bringing out attractive and interesting books for children in various Indian languages and English at a low cost. During the decade and a half of its existence, the Children's Book Trust has brought out 300 titles in English and Indian languages for the children of all age groups. One of the slogans for the International Year of the Child is "Children's Book for a Better World". Children's Book Trust celebrates the Year of the Child by organising the International Children's Book Fair in New Delhi from November 10-19, 1979 and dedicates it to the children of the world. The P & T Department is happy to mark the ocasion with the issue of a commemorative stamp.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp depicts a child with books.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 4.06 X 3.75 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.70 X 2.4 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 14 x 14,1/
Postal Stamp Shape : Horizontal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive coated paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 30,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Multicolour
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